I legender: Ja
Wookieepedia säger:
Ssoh (Från Star Wars: Chewbacca )
Ssoh became the only Trandoshan to live after a hand-to-hand battle with Chewbacca after the enraged Wookiee ripped his arms and his legs out of their sockets
(Från Konsten av Star Wars Galaxy: Volym två )
Chewbacca angrily pulls a droid's arm out of its socket over a holoboard game.
Och så, självklart, i Lego Games ...
kanonsektionen refererar bara till utdraget från A New Hope cited i frågan. Därför är det rimligt att anta att Chewbacca förmodligen har drabbat någons armar före i canon, det är bara vi har inte sett det!
På en sidnot ...
Wookieepedia-sidan på Wookiees förklarar att:
Wookiees also had the justified reputation of ripping the arms of their enemies out of their sockets, which was known to occur in instances of losing a game. That state of racial rage served as the basis of the deal-slang expression "wookinate", which referred to the rendering harmless an enemy using excessive force—obviously referring to the great physical strength that provided the essence of Wookiee combat