Girl-Genius - vem är Agathas bror


I Girl Genius

Gil is the brother (link taken from wikia) of Zeetha, given the explicit warnings provided by Klaus about someone who looks like Zeetha coming to kill him, the Skifandrian knowledge that Klaus has for staying awake (link), and that Skifandrians hate twins.

I introduktionen till "Agatha H. och Airship City",

Barry heterodyne thinks to himself about the loss of the "Son" of Bill.

Med tanke på att:

Agatha is the daughter of Bill and Lucretia

Vem är hennes bror? Har det varit "avslöjat" än?

uppsättning EngrStudent 25.09.2015 23:02

1 svar


Det enda offentligt kända barnet till Bill och Lucrezia (innan Agathas historia äger rum) var Klaus Barry Heterodyne.

Enligt den gamla seneschaliska Carson dödade han natten den andra angreppade slottet Heterodyne, krossad av Fallande murar som Carsons son försökte få honom ut ur slottet.

Även om händelserna på den natten har många frågor om dem, finns det inget utrymme för tvivel om hans existens och död. Spoilers ahoy:

Since what happened that night is a subject of extreme debate - Lucrezia was assumed kidnapped at the time, and that is now widely thought to be not true and that she in fact may have caused the events of that night - you can make arguments for just about anything happening. It's pretty clear Carson believes what he saw however, considering his own son was lost, and Bill Heterodyne himself went nearly nuts with the loss of both his wife and son.

svaret ges 26.09.2015 00:21