Do Aliens (Xenomorph) har celler?


Har utlänningar från Alien-franchisen celler som vi känner dem?

Jag vill veta som Jag antog att de inte och bara utsöndrat ett hartsartat exoskeletalt system.

uppsättning AncientSwordRage 16.08.2012 21:50

2 svar


länk :

The chestburster then matures to an adult phase, shedding its skin and replacing its cells with polarized silicon.
Due to Horizontal gene transfer during the gestation period, the Alien also takes on some of the basic physical attributes of the host from which it was born, allowing the individual alien to adapt to the host's environment.

Båda dessa fakta innebär att celler är inblandade.

svaret ges 16.08.2012 21:52

Enligt Ash i den första Alienfilmen har ansiktshuggaren alien en cellulär struktur. När de skadas ersätts / repareras cellerna med " polariserad kisel " vilket starkt innebär att de ursprungliga cellerna är gjorda av något annat än kisel .

Ash: But I have confirmed that he's got an outer layer of protein polysaccharides. He has a funny habit of shedding his cells and replacing them with polarized silicon, which gives him a prolonged resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

Det finns ingen indikation på vilka vuxna Xenomorphs är gjorda av, men forskarna i "Aliens, Colonial Marines Technical Manual" / a> hypotesen att de faktiskt är en fluorbaserad livsform , snarare än kiselbaserad . Detta skulle också förklara den extremt starka molekylära syran eftersom syran skulle bryta ner något material som alien intar, inklusive organiska material och vissa oorganiska föreningar som glas och vissa metaller.

"It would work as a hydrofluoric/hydrochloric mix. The preferred concentration in the blood is KF. However, an embryo implanted in a human body would have access to a ready supply of HC1 from the host's stomach. It starts life with an HCl imbalance which could alter as it grows. Of course, it could take on additional chlorine and fluorine from its prey, or it could 'salt' it with sodium chloride or sodium fluoride."

"Sorry, this modal is just too elaborate for my tastes. I still don't buy it. Even with PTTE [Teflon] coated cell-membranes, wouldn't the body chemistry of a fluorine-based embryo be so hostile that it would just eat through the linings of the host's body?"

svaret ges 10.11.2016 19:02