Which Sci-Fi-arbete introducerades med handdator för trådlös kommunikation?


Star Trek: TOS (1966) TV-serier visade en sådan enhet långt innan mobiltelefoner kom till existens, men var det första?

Tesla föreslog 1926 mobiltelefoner ännu bättre än Star Trek:

Det verkar vara ett stort gap mellan 1926 och 1966 om Star Trek var den första. Vi har också Jules Vernes och H. G. Wells typ författare som förutspådde atombom, månlandning etc i stor detalj. Så det är möjligt att någon skrev om handhållna trådlösa kommunikatörer före 1926.

Vilket Sci-Fi-arbete introducerade handhållen trådlös kommunikatör?

uppsättning S S 11.10.2018 04:50

6 svar


1915: "John Jones Dollar" , en kort berättelse av Harry Stephen Keeler ; först publicerad i augusti, 1915-utgåvan av Den svarta katten ; tillgänglig på Project Gutenberg .

"B262H72476Male, you are late to class again. What excuse have you to offer today?"

From the hollow cylinder emanated a shrill voice, while the lips of the picture on the glass square moved in unison with the words:

"Professor, you will perceive by consulting your class book, that I have recently taken up my residence near the North Pole. For some reason, wireless communication between the Central Energy Station and all points north of 89 degrees was cut off a while ago, on account of which fact I could not appear in the Visaphone. Hence—"

"Enough, sir," roared the professor. "Always ready with an excuse, B262H72476Male. I shall immediately investigate your tale."

From his coat pocket, the professor withdrew an instrument which, although supplied with an earpiece and a mouthpiece, had no wires whatever attached. Raising it to his lips, he spoke:

"Hello. Central Energy Station, please." A pause ensued. "Central Energy Station? This is the professor of history at the University of Terra, speaking. One of my students informs me that the North Pole region was out of communication with the Visaphone System this morning. Is that statement true? I would—"

A voice, apparently from nowhere, spoke into the professor's ear. "Quite true, Professor. A train of our ether waves accidently fell into parallelism with a train of waves from the Venus Substation. By the most peculiar mischance, the two trains happened to be displaced, with reference to each other, one half of a wave length, with the unfortunate result that the negative points of one coincided with the positive points of maximum amplitude of the other. Hence the two wave trains nullified each other and communication ceased for one hundred and eighty-five seconds—until the earth had revolved far enough to throw them out of parallelism."

"Ah! Thank you," replied the professor. He dropped his instrument into his coat pocket and gazed in the direction of the glass square whose image had so aroused his ire. "I apologize, B262H72476Male, for my suspicions as to your veracity—but I had in mind several former experiences." He shook a warning forefinger. "I will now resume my talk."

svaret ges 13.02.2019 15:03

1936: "Finality Unlimited" , en novella av Donald Wandrei , först publicerad i Förtrollande historier , september 1936 , tillgänglig på Internetarkiv . Historien är fastställd (ursprungligen) den 28 augusti 2005:

Despite the heat, an air of excitement prevailed on the streets and the hanging-garden cafes. The Second Expedition to Mercury should land at any time now with news of what happened to the First Expedition, still missing from its maiden voyage years ago in 1991.

The arteries and towers of Manhattan had begun to assume the aspect of a dream city, as the products of science came into wider use. The race was markedly happier, healthier, taller than a century before; the atmosphere filtered of dirt and gases; the harbors clean again; life a richer and broader experience. Each individual carried an identification tag, and a pocket radiophone that permitted conversation with any one anywhere on the globe.

[. . . .]

Stanley King had dressed and begun packing when he heard the signal of his pocket radiophone. He hesitated about answering it. He didn't want to get tangled with anything that might delay his departure. Still, it might be a call of importance, and finally he answered with a noncommittal, "Yes?"

1930: "Herr Murphy i New York" , en kort historia genom Thomas McMorrow ; först publicerad i den 22 mars 1930-frågan om Lördagskvällen ; också svaret på historia-ID-frågan Berättelse om att lämna badet kör / skyskrapa kollaps .

"Now, gentlemen, please," breathed Mr. Bligh. "Do remember that I'm a thousand miles from home and haven't had any lunch yet. Well, I shall have to call up." He took out his pocketell. "Are you there? Billy calling . . . Hello, Molly! I just called you to say that I can't possibly get home— What's that, sweetheart? . . . Oh, no, no. . . . But I say that I am not! I am in New York in a conference. . . . Yes, business. . . . Why don't I— Now, Molly, how can you ask me to be so rude? . . . Oh, very well, my dear, in a moment." He turned to us, coloring, and said, "Will you permit?" We were married men ourselves; we smiled and got to our feet and bowed to his lady when she appeared; her eyes swept us vigilantly. "I'm sorry this had to happen, gentlemen," said Mr. Bligh, blanking her. "May we proceed now with our affair?"

svaret ges 11.10.2018 06:33

Om du är villig att sträcka ut vad som kan betraktas som SciFi:

Tik-Tok of Oz av L. Frank Baum publicerad 1914 .

"Very well," said the Wizard, and without any fuss or mystery whatever he performed a magical rite that was simple and effective. Therefore those seated in the Nome King's cavern were both startled and amazed when all the people of Oogaboo suddenly disappeared from the room, and with them the Rose Princess. At first they could not understand it at all; but presently Shaggy suspected the truth, and believing that Ozma was now taking an interest in the party he drew from his pocket a tiny instrument which he placed against his ear.

Ozma, observing this action in her Magic Picture, at once caught up a similar instrument from a table beside her and held it to her own ear. The two instruments recorded the same delicate vibrations of sound and formed a wireless telephone, an invention of the Wizard. Those separated by any distance were thus enabled to converse together with perfect ease and without any wire connection.

"Do you hear me, Shaggy Man?" asked Ozma.

"Yes, Your Highness," he replied.

svaret ges 12.10.2018 00:53

Det tidigaste exemplet jag kan hitta av en handhållen 2-vägs elektronisk kommunikationsenhet är Dick Tracys 2-vägs handledsradio som uppträdde i Dick Tracy comic strip den 13 januari 1946.

Det måste finnas många tidigare berättelser som involverar kommunikation med magiska (eller andra icke-vetenskapliga) medel.

svaret ges 11.10.2018 05:18

Philip Francis Nowlan beskrev någonting som kallades en "bröstskiva", som samtidigt som den inte är enbart handhållen är en trådlös bärbar kommunikator, tillbaka 1928 enligt Technovelgy:

The chest discs were likewise self-contained sending sets, strapped to the chest a few inches below the neck and actuated by the vibrations from the vocal cords through the body tissues. The total range of these sets was about eighteen miles. Reception was remarkably clear, quite free from the static of 20th Century radios, and of a strength in direct proportion to the distance of the speaker.> http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=1614

Dessa användes tillsammans med något som heter "Ultraphone Ear-Disc":

These ultraphones were quite different from the one used by Wilma's companion scout the day I saved her from the attack of the bandit Gang. That one was contained entirely in a small pocket case. These, with which we were now equipped, consisted of a pair of ear discs, each a separate and self-contained receiving set They slipped into little pockets over our ears in the fabric helmets we wore, and shut out virtually all extraneous sounds...

I 1923 hade H.G. Wells ett nodbaserat kommunikationsnätverk där alla hade kablar som de kunde använda för förlagda pelare för asynkron fjärrkommunikation:

On his second walk with Mr. Barnstaple he said he was going to hear from his mother, and Mr. Barnstaple was shown the equivalent of correspondence in Utopia. Crystal carried a little bundle of wires and light rods; and presently coming to a place where a pillar stood in the midst of a lawn he spread this affair out like a long cat's cradle and tapped a little stud in the pillar with a key that he carried on a light gold chain about his neck. Then he took up a receiver attached to his apparatus, and spoke aloud and listened and presently heard a voice.

It was a very pleasant woman's voice; it talked to Crystal for a time without interruption, and then Crystal talked back, and afterwards there were other voices, some of which Crystal answered and some which he heard without replying. Then he gathered up his apparatus again.

This Mr. Barnstaple learnt was the Utopian equivalent of letter and telephone. For in Utopia, except by previous arrangement, people do not talk together on the telephone. A message is sent to the station of the district in which the recipient is known to be, and there it waits until he chooses to tap his accumulated messages. And any that one wishes to repeat can be repeated. Then he talks back to the senders and dispatches any other messages he wishes. The transmission is wireless. The little pillars supply electric power for transmission or for any other purpose the Utopians require. For example, the gardeners resort to them to run their mowers and diggers and rakes and rollers. http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/content.asp?Bnum=775

Medan den inte är helt trådlös, var den handhållen och skiljer sig bara från vårt nuvarande mobilnät genom att A) det är asynkront och B) istället för att ta emot trådlösa signaler från ett kabelnät, mottar det kabeldragna signaler från ett trådlöst nätverk.

svaret ges 11.10.2018 14:19

En karaktär i Heinleins 1948 roman Space Cadet berättar för sin vän något om effekten "Jag önskar att jag hade sitt cellnummer". Jag kommer att uppdatera på morgonen när jag kan hitta sidan.

svaret ges 11.10.2018 05:32