Vet Daenerys hur man kläcker drakeäggen?


Vänligen läs Thronespel Wikia passage först:

Dragon eggs are notoriously difficult to hatch, though they can maintain the spark of life inside of them for decades if not centuries. The secret key to hatching the eggs seems to involve some form of blood magic: as the House words of the Targaryens hint, it requires "fire and blood". To hatch them, dragon eggs must be burned in roaring flames, with which another creature is simultaneously being burned alive - a life in exchange for a life. In the wild this might just be a prey animal that the parent dragon kills, but human sacrifice will do the trick quite nicely, particularly if there is more than one egg to hatch.

Dragons | Game of Thrones Wiki

Och nu är skriptet relaterat till dragon-hatching-händelsen i säsong 1 Episod 10:

Rakharo: (picking up the dragon eggs from their chest, speaking in Dothraki) ls this your command, Khaleesi?
(Daenerys nods, Rakharo places the eggs next to Drogo’s funeral pyre)
Jorah: Drogo will have no use for dragon eggs in the Night Lands. Sell them. You can return to the Free Cities and live as a wealthy woman for all your days.
Daenerys: They were not given to me to sell.
Jorah: Khaleesi, my Queen, l vow to serve you, obey you, to die for you if need be, but let him go, Khaleesi. l know what you intend. Do not.
Daenerys: l must. You don't understand.
Jorah: Don't ask me to stand aside as you climb on that pyre. l won't watch you burn.
Daenerys: ls that what you fear? (kisses Jorah on the cheek, then speaks to the rest of the Dothraki and Lhazareen who stayed with her) You will be my khalasar. l see the faces of slaves. l free you. Take off your collars. Go if you wish, no one will stop you. But if you stay it will be as brothers and sisters, as husbands and wives.
Mirri Maz Duur is shown tied and bound by rope.
Daenerys: Ser Jorah, bind this woman to the pyre. You swore to obey me. (to the crowd) l am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen of the blood of old Valyria. I am the Dragon’s daughter. And I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming.
Mirri Maz Duur: You will not hear me scream.
Daenerys: I will. But it is not your screams I want. Only your life.

Game of Thrones, Season 1 Episode 10, "Fire and Blood"

Daenerys verkar göra exakt de saker som krävs för förfarandet för kläckning av drakeägg, nämligen:

  • Hon ber Rakharo att placera drakeäggen på pesten, ty att "De fick mig inte att sälja". En punkt som ska beaktas är att hon i framtida episoder gör flera saker som ligger långt under det här som att sälja sin drake till Kraznys, stjäla saker från Qarth, etc.

  • Hon ger ett mänskligt offer (Mirri Maz Duur) efter behov. En punkt som ska beaktas här är att Mirri Maz Duur troligtvis direkt ansvarade för Khal Drogos död på det obehagliga sättet och hennes barns död, och hon säger bara "Men det är inte dina skrik som jag vill ha. Endast ditt liv . "?

  • Så visste Daenerys allt detta eller var allt detta bara en stor slump? Om hon visste hur då?

    uppsättning parthagar 06.12.2018 08:38

    2 svar


    I en intervju med Roz Kaveney från Storbritannien, George RR Martin har förklarat det sålunda:

    The whole point of the scene in A Game of Thrones where Daenerys hatches the dragons is that she makes the magic up as she goes along; she is someone who really might do anything. I wanted magic to be something barely under control and half instinctive [...]

    Ytterligare djupgående spekulationer kan hittas här , för det mesta beskriver hennes instinktiva men noggrant utförda ritual.

    svaret ges 06.12.2018 14:21

    Daenerys gjorde det i grunden när hon gick med, men det finns bevis för att hon kanske har slagit på något större.

    För detta ändamål var födelsen av Daenerys drakar verkligen magisk,

    The birth of Dany's dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived.

    Quote by George RR Martin (Source)

    Nu för lite mer djup ...

    Först måste vi fastställa att Magic verkar på mystiska sätt i världen av is och eld, som förklaras i ett Q & A med GRRM,

    Question 8 - Do you have rules worked out for magic?

    Whole book is to his discretion as to how it works. He doesn't have a magic system specifically. Some authors do but too like D&D for him. He went back to Tolkien when he got into the book seriously. Thinks Tolkien is still the master. What you discover when you read Tolkien with eye to magic is there is very little magic. Gandalf is wizard - wise but he doesn't whisper a spell and slaughter an entire army. He thinks fantasy needs magic as a seasoning. Too much seasoning and you can overwelm the dish. Too much magic can ruin a fantasy. Magic has to be magic - something that violates law of nature. "Unknown" - published between the two World Wars writen by Campbell - a real rationalist with a particular brand of fantasy. Campbell treated magic as science. GRR enjoyed reading them but that approach to magic and the aproach in role playing games is...just science, not magic. Magic has to be more mysterious than that. He wants less Campbell and more Lovecraft. It has to be dark stuff we can't fully comprehend. Use it sparingly so it has impact. - The Citdael - So Spake Martin - OCTOBER 16, 2010 OCTOCON Q&A

    Han gör det med avsikt att undvika att motsätta sig sig och inte behöva komma ihåg "regler",

    Someone asked how, as a 'gardener' style of writer, George manages to set and stick to the "rules" of his fantasy world without contradicting what has gone before. George answered that he doesn't have to worry about contradicting his magical system because he's deliberately limited the magic and intentionally tries to keep it magical and mysterious, that the essence of magic is that it must be "wondrous and unexplainable". He doesn't like what other authors have done, which is to treat magic like a different kind of science with its own set rules. - The Citadel - So Spake Martin - NOVEMBER 29, 2005 US SIGNING TOUR (ALBUQUERQUE, NM)

    Nu för att kasta in historien som det gäller Westeros. Drakeägg har varit kända under hela Targaryen-regimen, men ingen har kläckts om några hundra år.

    Nine mages crossed the sea to hatch Aegon the Third's cache of eggs. Baelor the Blessed prayed over his for half a year. Aegon the Fourth built dragons of wood and iron. Aerion Brightflame drank wildfire to transform himself. The mages failed, King Baelor's prayers went unanswered, the wooden dragons burned, and Prince Aerion died screaming.

    A Storm of Swords, Davos V

    Och inom serien försöker vi Melisandre övertyga Stannis att använda "Kings Blood" för att väcka sten drakar på Dragonstone. Det här är från bokens lore och kompletterar mitt svar, men showen utforskar inte denna plot.

    "Your brother's blood," Melisandre said. "A king's blood. Only a king's blood can wake the stone dragon."

    Stannis ground his teeth. "I'll hear no more of this. The dragons are done. The Targaryens tried to bring them back half a dozen times. And made fools of themselves, or corpses.

    A Storm of Swords - Davos IV

    "I am a small man," Davos admitted, "so tell me why you need this boy Edric Storm to wake your great stone dragon, my lady." He was determined to say the boy's name as often as he could. "Only death can pay for life, my lord. A great gift requires a great sacrifice."

    A Storm of Swords - Davos V

    Så här har vi en andra teckenupplevelse (och bevisar med de tre dödsfallen från leechesna tidigare som var på showen) i blodmagi och "bara döden kan betala för livet".

    Så för att få den i full cirkel Daenerys visste inte riktigt vad hon gjorde, men från hennes erfarenhet av Mirri Maz Duur har snubblat på en kraftfull magi.

    Att adressera dina andra punkter:

  • She asks Rakharo to place the dragon eggs on the pyre seemingly because "They were not given to me to sell". A point to be considered is that in the future episodes she does several things that are much below this like selling her dragon to Kraznys, stealing items from Qarth, etc.
  • Hon hade ingen riktig avsikt att sälja sina drakar, vilket är uppenbart att så snart Daenerys har kontroll över Unsullied förnekar hon honom omedelbart.

    Qarth, speciellt Xaro Xhoan Daxos, förrådde Dany och stal hennes drakar. En gång handlar hon om honom, hon återvänder favoriten och stjäl från honom ... efter det kommer han inte att behöva det längre.

  • She gives a human sacrifice (Mirri Maz Duur) as required. A point to be considered here is that Mirri Maz Duur was most probably directly responsible for the death of Khal Drogo in that unhonourable way and the death of her child, and she only says "But it is not your screams I want. Only your life."?
  • Det här är där slumpen och "hon gör magiken som hon går" kommer in i spel. Hon ser att blodmagiken fungerade, inte precis som Dany menade. Eftersom Daenerys har en känsla av mage kan hon kläcka drakarna (hon säger så mycket till Jorah att hon kommer att överleva pesten), men även nu ser blodmakternas kraft att följa "bara döden kan betala för livet".

    svaret ges 20.12.2018 22:39