Vad var J. K. Rowlings "teorier" om bok sju?


En av de nyhetsartiklar som J K Rowling skrev på hennes gamla hemsida handlade om hur hon försökte skriva bok 7 teorier på Mugglenets chattrum.

Monday 15 March 2004
Mugglenet Chatroom Uninterested in JKR's Theories
A few weeks ago I did something I’ve never done before and took a stroll into a Harry Potter chat room: specifically, MuggleNet’s chat room. Although I was concerned to find that many of the moderators feel their spiritual home is Slytherin, this is a great site. Nobody was remotely interested in my theories about what’s going to happen in book seven, though. In the end, I gave up trying to impart any gems of wisdom and joined in the discussion about SpongeBob SquarePants (don’t ask).
I would like to take this opportunity to say that the practise of calling Lord Voldemort ‘Voldie’ must stop, as must the insistence that with a bit of therapy ‘Voldie’ would be a real sweetheart.
I might drop in again some time to check that you’ve done as you’ve been told. Look out for ‘Squidward’.

Är det känt vad dessa teorier var? Finns det några kopior av chatten?

uppsättning ibid 01.06.2016 03:59

1 svar


Jag hittade denna utskrift där IRC-moderatorn anser att det är historien om JKR på Mugglenet. Om det någonsin går ner, här är några prickar. I slutet konfronterar moderatorn henne med vem hon verkligen hon, och hon får allt avstängd och slutar komma på Mugglenet. För tydligheten har jag ersatt [Namn redigerat] med [JKR].

Detta är innan Halvblodsprinsen släpptes, men efter titeln meddelades.

Hon säger upprepade gånger att Lupin är ett halvt blod. Min läsning är att hon försöker leda människor i fel riktning om Halvblodsprinsens identitet. slutet på kommentaren [] s är kommentaren till den person som sammanställde loggarna.

([JKR]) Lupin is Halfblood [She loves saying this in the chat. . .]
([JKR]) LUPIN IS THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE [Much more blatant; it came very early in the [JKR] saga, back when noone realized [Name Edited] could be/is JKR]
([JKR]) if you read that chat, JKR gives full answers to all the questions she gets
([JKR]) apart from the ONE question where they ask her what Lupin is
([JKR]) all she replies to that is "Half Blood"
([JKR]) and goes straight onto the next question
([JKR]) JKR said clearly in her most recent chat Lupin IS HALF BLOOD
([JKR]) she didnt say anymore on that at all
([JKR]) that was before she released the title
([JKR]) someone asked her on world book day chat

JKR-fiske försöker få folk att hitta ledtrådar i GoF kapitel 9.

([JKR]) btw, I reckon Chapter 9 of GoF is VERY special
([JKR]) we all ought to read it again
([JKR]) JKR said in anohter interview back in 2001, that she had Chapter 9 of GOF was sooooo difficult for her to write that she had to rewrite it 1213 times, and almost considered just leaving it out and going onto Chapter 10 with a page saying "chapter 9 was too tricky to write"..... ([JKR]) JKR said in anohter interview back in 2001, that she had Chapter 9 of GOF was sooooo difficult for her to write that she had to rewrite it 1213 times, and almost considered just leaving it out and going onto Chapter 10 with a page saying "chapter 9 was too tricky to write".....
([JKR]) it means there's something in Chapter 9 that she had to write VERY VERY carefully

Hon fokuserar mycket på Harrys ärr, Harrys överlevnad, och hur människor som dör i Harry Potter aldrig kommer tillbaka.

([JKR]) Josh from Cottenham Village College: Right at the beginning, when Voldermort tried to kill Harry, how did Voldermort and Harry both survive?
([JKR]) JK Rowling replies > That is the crucial and central question and if I answered it there would be hardly any point writing books six and seven... so I won't!
([JKR]) she says the shape of the scar is not the most important thing about it, but something else is.... WHAT IS IT?

([JKR]) is it possible JK's tricked everyone into thinking harry and/or voldemort HAS to die?
([JKR]) after all she did say that she and Madame Trelawney had worded the Prophecy very carefully

([JKR]) she said Sirius wont come back from the dead
([JKR]) that once the character is gone, he's gone
([JKR]) but to base a whole book on Sirius
([JKR]) to make out he's actually really important
([JKR]) and may be heavily involved in the outcome of the series
([JKR]) and then to go and kill him off
([JKR]) there has to be a pretty good reason..
([JKR]) ?

([JKR]) JKR has said in an interview clearly, that once her character was killed off, there was no way he/she was coming back
([JKR]) this was in the run up to OOTP's release
([JKR]) pettigrew's new silver hand is AWFUL STRONG
([JKR]) draco's going to be murderous because his father's been put into azkaban

På nämna av Spongebob Squarepants.

([JKR]) JK would never admit she was JK on here
([JKR]) and she's probably show a surprising amount of knowledge on whatever the random topic is being discussed
([JKR]) even if it IS spongebob squarepants

svaret ges 28.09.2017 16:20