En version av detta har implementerats på vissa områden, som Maastricht Upper Area Control Center , med hjälp av radionätningsutrustning.
Eurocontrol webbplatsen tillhandahåller en förklaring av systemet , inklusive en bild av hur den visas på radarn displayer :
Using triangulation software, the Radio Direction Finder, recently deployed throughout MUAC’s international airspace (the upper airspace of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and north-west Germany) calculates accurately an aircraft’s position on the basis of its radio transmissions.
In densely occupied airspace, the Radio Direction Finder assists the controllers in rapidly identifying which aircraft is transmitting on the frequency. This is particularly useful in MUAC’s sectors where controllers handle up to 25 aircraft at any one time, and is a prerequisite for the implementation of the free route airspace, planned at the end of the year. The origin of a voice transmission appears clearly on the controller’s integrated Human Machine Interface and is totally independent of conventional radar- and GPS-based aircraft localising techniques; this feature contributes to reducing call sign confusion, read-backs from wrong aircraft or crossed transmissions.