How stoppar Time Stop interaktion med "End of Turn" -tider?


Stavningstiden gör att du kan ta extra handlingsrunder under din tur. För ändamål med effekter som har "Varaktighetens slut", skulle du böja dig med någonting som varade tills End of Turn var borta i 1 omgång av Time Stop? Citera källor om möjligt, tack.

uppsättning Chumon 01.04.2015 08:48

1 svar


Ja, även under stavningen stoppa tiden en effekt som slutar vid avslutningen av gjutningsvaktens tur fortfarande slutar vid slutsatsen att gjutningsvaktens tur

Sor / Wiz-spellens 9: e nivå time stop säger

In fact, you speed up so greatly that all other creatures seem frozen, though they are actually still moving at their normal speeds. You are free to act for 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time.

När man definierar en runda säger spelet att

During an individual round, all creatures have a chance to take a turn to act, in order of initiative. A round represents 6 seconds in the game world.

När du definierar en sväng , säger spelet att

In a round, a creature receives one turn, during which it can perform a wide variety of actions. Generally in the course of one turn, a character can perform one standard action, one move action, one swift action, and a number of free actions. Less-common combination's of actions are permissible as well...

Således stavningen time stop ger extra rundor under vilka varelsen som stavar stavningen time stop kan ta extra varv och under dessa extra varv kan varelsen aktivera effekter som varar fram till slutet av skapelsens tur och dessa effekter kommer att sluta när varelsens tur slutar. Rundan fortsätter emellertid tills karaktären kan ta en tur, på vilken tid är det nästa -rundan.

Example 1
A creature with the feat Lunge casts the spell time stop. On its next turn, the creature uses the feat Lunge to get the feat's benefits. Those benefits last until the end of the creature's turn and the benefit doesn't continue beyond that. On the creature's next turn (during the next round of the spell time stop's duration), it can employ the feat Lunge again to gain the feat's benefit during its turn.

Example 2
A creature casts the spell mythic blink followed by the spell time stop. The creature takes a move action to remain for its turn corporeal. When the creature's turn ends, it will no longer be corporeal, but on its next turn (during the next round of the spell time stop's duration) it can take another move action to once again be corporeal until the end of its turn.

Stavningen tidsstopp ändras inte hur tiden fungerar men ger istället koden mer av den.

svaret ges 01.04.2015 10:53