Har Oberyn Poison Tywin?

Efter att det avslöjades att Oberyn förgiftade sitt blad för att försäkra sig om döden på berget, även om han förlorade, läste jag att det finns en fanteori att Oberyn också förgiftade Tywin före duellen. Vilka bevis finns det i böckerna att detta kan vara fallet?

uppsättning Kaiser 27.06.2014 08:34

5 svar


Det finns inga bevis för att han gjorde det, men ...

Jag föreslår att alla läser teorin själv (även citerade nedan) och domare själv. Där är flera avsnitt i böckerna som tillåter denna tolkning.

Spoiler meddelande: Innehåller fullständiga citat från böckerna.

Tywin Lannister: Dead Man Shitting?

“Where will I find my lord father?” “In the solar with Lord Tyrell and Prince Oberyn.” Mace Tyrell and the Red Viper breaking bread together? Strange and stranger.


-Jaime och Ser Meryn Trant, efter Jaims återkomst till kungens landning


“Widow’s blood, this one is called, for the color. A cruel potion. It shuts down a man’s bladder and bowels, until he drowns in his own poisons.”


-Grand Maester Pycelle, under Tyrions försök


“To be sure, I have much to thank your sister for. If not for her accusation at the feast, it might well be you judging me instead of me judging you.” The prince’s eyes were dark with amusement. “Who knows more of poison than the Red Viper of Dorne, after all?” […]

“Your father,” said Prince Oberyn, “may not live forever.” Something about the way he said it made the hairs on the back of Tyrion’s neck bristle. Suddenly he was mindful of Elia again, and all that Oberyn had said as they crossed the field of ashes. He wants the head that spoke the words, not just the hand that swung the sword. “It is not wise to speak such treasons in the Red Keep, my prince. The little birds are listening.” “Let them. Is it treason to say a man is mortal? Valar morghulis was how they said it in Valyria of old. All men must die. And the Doom came and proved it true.”


-Prince Oberyn Martell och Tyrion, i Tyrions cell


He found his father where he knew he’d find him, seated in the dimness of the privy tower, bedrobe hiked up around his hips. […]

For once, his father did what Tyrion asked him. The proof was the sudden stench, as his bowels loosened in the moment of death. Well, he was in the right place for it, Tyrion thought. But the stink that filled the privy gave ample evidence that the oft-repeated jape about his father was just another lie. Lord Tywin Lannister did not, in the end, shit gold.


- från Tyrions mord på Tywin under sin flykt från de svarta cellerna


The King’s Hand was rotting visibly. His face had taken on a greenish tinge, and his eyes were deeply sunken, two black pits. Fissures had opened in his cheeks, and a foul white fluid was seeping through the joints of his splendid gold-and-crimson armor to pool beneath his body. […]

Red-eyed and pale, Cersei climbed the steps to kneel above their father, drawing Tommen down beside her. The boy recoiled at the sight, but his mother seized his wrist before he could pull away.“Pray,” she whispered, and Tommen tried. But he was only eight and Lord Tywin was a horror. One desperate breath of air, then the king began to sob.“Stop that!” Cersei said. Tommen turned his head and doubled over, retching. His crown fell off and rolled across the marble floor. His mother pulled back in disgust, and all at once the king was running for the doors, as fast as his eight-year-old legs could carry him. “Ser Osmund, relieve me,” Jaime said sharply, as Kettleblack turned to chase the crown. He handed the man the golden sword and went after his king. In the Hall of Lamps he caught him, beneath the eyes of two dozen startled septas. “I’m sorry,” Tommen wept. “I will do better on the morrow. Mother says a king must show the way, but the smell made me sick.” This will not do. Too many eager ears and watching eyes.“Best we go outside, Your Grace.” Jaime led the boy out to where the air was as fresh and clean as King’s Landing ever got. Twoscore gold cloaks had been posted around the plaza to guard the horses and the litters. He took the king off to the side, well away from everyone, and sat him down upon the marble steps. “I wasn’t scared,” the boy insisted. “The smell made me sick. Didn’t it make you sick? How could you bear it, Uncle, ser?”


-Jaime, Cersei och Tommen, under Tywins begravning.


Jag säger bara: betyder, motiv, möjlighet.

Medlen är expansiv kunskap om gifter.

Motivet var att döda Elia och hennes barn under King's Landing, som Oberyn är helt övertygad, gavs av Tywin.

Möjligheten att äta frukost med Tywin och Mace Tyrell.

svaret ges 27.06.2014 15:17

Nej, han förgiftade honom inte (så vitt vi vet).

Inget sådant nämndes varken på böcker eller showen. Vi såg aldrig honom försöka göra något sånt.

Han kanske har varit, men vi ser att Tywin blir dödad av sin son och inte genom förgiftning, så vi kommer aldrig veta om inget avslöjas senare.

svaret ges 27.06.2014 09:23

Det enda jag kan tänka på är att han sitter på toaletten när Tyrion konfronterar honom senare. Men jag fick aldrig intrycket från böckerna (eller tv-showen) att hans nattliga besök på loo berodde på gift.

Så mycket tyder inte på att Tywin förgiftades.

svaret ges 27.06.2014 08:59

Elio och Linda, medförfattare till The Ice and Fire World, har sagt nej. Även om deras ord inte är kanon (även Georges ord är inte) tror jag att de känner till tillräckligt med ämnet och har tillräckligt med behörighet i serien för att vara värd att lyssna också.

No, Tywin Lannister was not poisoned.
/r/asoiaf, AMA with authors of The World of Ice and Fire, Elio García and Linda Antonsson! (Part 1 of 2)

svaret ges 17.01.2018 18:00

Jag minns en pil går igenom Tywin ... Men det är bara jag ...

svaret ges 01.07.2014 21:33