En fiendish tjänare är antipaladins -fäste, vilket är snällt parallellt med en paladins mount från deras gudomliga förbindelse. En antipaladin kan få en fiendish tjänare på femte nivån.
Fiendish Boon (Sp)
Upon reaching 5th level, an antipaladin receives a boon from his dark patrons. This boon can take one of two forms. Once the form is chosen, it cannot be changed.
(hoppa framåt, betoning läggs till av mig)
The second type of bond allows an antipaladin to gain the service of a fiendish servant. This functions as summon monster III, except the duration is permanent and the antipaladin can only gain the service of a single creature and that creature must either have the chaotic and evil subtypes or it must be a fiendish animal. Once selected, the choice is set, but it may be changed whenever the antipaladin gains a level...