Hobbits of the Shire hade visserligen regelbundet kontakter med dvärgar; kapitlet Skugga av det förflutna anteckningar:
The ancient East-West Road ran through the Shire to its end at the Grey Havens, and dwarves had always used it on their way to their mines in the Blue Mountains. They were the hobbits' chief source of news from distant parts – if they wanted any: as a rule dwarves said little and hobbits asked no more.
Det är också så att de hade ekonomiska kontakter med samma dvärgar, som vi lär oss i Quest of Erebor :
You do not know much about the Shire-folk, Glóin. I suppose you think them simple, because they are generous and do not haggle; and think them timid because you never sell them any weapons.
Så om dvärgarna aldrig säljer dem vapen, vad säljer de dem? En anteckning i Medelhavets folk svarar på detta:
You don't know much about those folk, Thorin. If you think them all that simple because they pay you whatever you ask for your bits of iron and don't bargain hard like some Men, you're mistaken.
Liknande hänvisas också till i den långa uppsatsen Of dwarves and men :
Thus there grew up in those regions the economy, later characteristic of the dealings of Dwarves and Men (including Hobbits): Men became the chief providers of food, as herdsmen, shepherds, and land-tillers, which the Dwarves exchanged for work as builders, roadmakers, miners, and the makers of things of craft, from useful tools to weapons and arms and many other things of great cost and skill.
Detta uppenbarligen uppenbarar en ekonomisk bild som annars knappt ens berörs. Men ändå är det uppenbart där: Dvärgar korsar Shire på sina resor och utbyter jobb och verktyg för mat regelbundet.