How är en holokron aktiverad?


Från Wookieepedia :

A Sith holocron was a device used by Sith to store information. Typically, they required use of the dark side to activate.

It took a great deal of willpower for a Jedi to access the dark devices, and some of the more inexperienced Jedi often felt sickly or fell ill merely laying their gaze upon one.

Ingen information ges om den faktiska processen genom vilken en användare aktiverar en holokron och talar med sin gatekeeper. Jag har läst många Star Wars-böcker, men alla verkar glätta över detaljerna.

Hur aktiveras en holokron? Kan endast en kraftkänslig individ interagera med en? Kan någon kraftkänslig individ interagera med en? Behövs en särskild ritual? Är processen annorlunda för Sith och Jedi holocrons?

uppsättning Lotus Notes 20.03.2013 06:44

4 svar


I en av Clone Wars-TV-serna öppnar Anakin en holokron för Cad Bane för att rädda Ashoka. Han använder kraften till att återrapportera delar av holokronen som gör den tillgänglig. Jag är ledsen att jag inte vet vilken episod det var, men det hade något att göra med barnen med krafttalanger.

svaret ges 12.04.2013 14:51

Jag tror inte att det någonsin uttryckligen förklarats bakom handvågens "kraftaktivering" i någon av EU-böckerna.

För information om skillnaderna mellan fysisk smink och andra holokronattribut, kolla in:

länk länk

svaret ges 20.03.2013 17:34

Det finns en mycket fin beskrivning i Star Wars-novellen (Disney-kanon) " Upproret börjar ". I grund och botten fokuserar du bara på holokronen med hjälp av din styrka och föreställer dig det öppnande. Ezra bilder en Lothal blommande, men vi kan säkert anta att någon liknande mental metafor skulle fungera lika bra.

The transparent object might be worthless, but it was also fascinating to behold. It weighed almost nothing, and each of its many sides was perfectly smooth, without cracks or creases.
Ezra sensed something was inside.
He pressed, pushed, and pried at the sides. That got him nowhere. He would need a blaster or a drill to pierce through that outer shell, and even with those tools, he’d probably destroy whatever was in there. He tossed the stupid thing across the room. It bounced off a wall and rolled into a corner. Maybe one of the stormtroopers would trip on it. Then it would be of some use.
Ezra closed his eyes and lowered his head. He wasn’t even angry anymore; he was exhausted. He cleared his mind, just focused on his breath. That always helped him relax. Perhaps sleep could take him out of this nightmare. He could wake up and find himself lying in the patch of grass around his tower, where green daisies grew.
The green daisies of Lothal were dazzling flowers. The presence of other forms of life made them bloom. The follicles on their stems were so sensitive that they could detect the breath or heat of a nearby organism. They would blossom for anyone who spent time to observe them.
He imagined peering at a daisy in the grass, watching it open its petals, slowly, like a child flexing its fingers for the first time. The spread of petals revealed a radiant center that shone emerald-like in the morning sun. The sight of this tiny wonder always revitalized him, no matter how hard his day had been.
“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi...” said a stoic voice.
As marvelous as the daisies were, they didn’t have the ability to speak. Ezra lifted his head and opened his eyes.
The polygonal object lay open on the ground, as if its sides had been petals of a flower. From its center projected a miniature ghost of a bearded man in robes. His was the stoic voice.

svaret ges 07.04.2016 10:44

Star Wars: Rebels säsong 2 finale "Twilight of the Apprentice" visar Ezra

finding and interacting with a Sith Holocron, and using it to activate a Sith space station.

svaret ges 07.04.2016 05:04