What är anslutningen av "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" med resten av "Final Fantasy" franchise?


Spelet i "Final Fantasy" -franchisen är i allmänhet inte i samma universum men delar åtminstone flera gemensamma teman / likheter:

Delar "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" någon av dessa gemensamma förhållanden? Eller bara ett varumärke?

uppsättning DVK-on-Ahch-To 07.11.2015 23:55

1 svar



Det finns förmodligen vanligare element, men jag tror att det viktigaste är Dr Sid (vem heter stavat med en S istället för den traditionella C ) är närvarande.

Med avseende på varumärke citeras följande från en intervju med Motonori Sakakibara , meddirektör för Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (betoning min):

Q: With very few films based on computer games doing well at the box office normally, in retrospect, do you think the film could have performed better if it had not been associated with the games?

A: I really can't say. One can speculate on a lot of theories as to why the film didn't do well, but as far as association with the game, I was producing the film without having that in mind, but because Mr Sakaguchi is really the creator of Final Fantasy, and he is just so strongly associated with the game it just became a natural progression that this movie was named after it and became what it was, which is Final Fantasy the movie. I guess as my motivation wasn't to turn the game into a film, I really can't say whether if we hadn't done that it would have done better.


Q: Many fans of the Final Fantasy gaming universe were upset because there were very little fantasy elements in the film (such as magic, monsters etc). Can you comment on why these elements didn't appear?

A: One of the reasons goes back to my previous comment on the whole game to movie thing, where we didn't initially sit down and say let's turn the game into a movie. I guess the idea of the project was elsewhere, in that we wanted to push the technological envelope further for computer graphics, and show off Square's skill and the artists' skill on the big screen in Hollywood. So we didn't start out saying, OK, here's a game and we're going to put it on the big screen.

Observera att herr Sakaguchi också är regissören för den här filmen där Final Fantasy-titeln troligtvis kommer att ha sitt ursprung. Och eftersom det var tänkt att vara en fristående film, var det inte meningen att det skulle vara många vanliga element med spelen.

svaret ges 08.11.2015 01:53