-400ER var ett strategiskt svar på Airbus A330-200
... men det hade inte intervallet och så småningom sålde det inte bra.
Om du kan få de kunder som vill byta ut sina DC-10 och L-1011 med den mer jämförbara A330-200 (som trädde i tjänst 1998) i samtal om 767-400ER, har du ett skott på att sälja större 777 också. Men om du bara har större 777 kommer förhandlingarna att bli svårare.
Flyg noterade följande 1999 :
Anyone seeing the 61.4m (201ft)-long aircraft emerge for the first time could be forgiven for experiencing a certain deja vu. Not only is the -400ER a mere 3.6m shorter than the 777-200, but almost exactly 10 years ago, a similar "767-X" design was being proposed to airlines. This soon evolved into the all-new 777, and for a while the stretched 767 plans were shelved.
Delta's TriStar replacement competition therefore provided the expected battleground for yet another Airbus versus Boeing fight. Airbus pushed hard to get Delta aboard the A330-200 as part of a wider fleet deal involving widebodies and narrowbodies. Boeing was equally desperate for victory, as much to keep Airbus from gaining a foothold in Delta territory as to launch the strategically vital 767-400X.
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