Är det en riktig bebis?


Många visar idag har födelsescener med nyfödda barn direkt efter. Det verkar ganska galet, riskabelt och opålitligt för mig att använda en riktig nyfödd. Så vad använder man för scener med det som handlar om nyfödda? IE den här scenen i Episode 10 of Grace och Frankie:

uppsättning David Grinberg 24.06.2015 02:13

3 svar


Den här frågan har ställts i MetaFilter , och det högsta svaret refererar till Mental Floss artikeln. Detta hänvisar till barnkollektivet i Kalifornien, som tillåter en (relativt) nyfödd med 15 dagar gammal att vara "anställd inom underhållningsindustrin".

Mer om användningen av spädbarn på film, från Mental Floss:

Some star-struck parents of prematurely born twins are able to cash in on their early-bird babies by allowing them to appear in TV shows or films as a newborn. Unless it's a reality medical series, most childbirth scenes in television and films are make-believe. Child labor laws vary from state to state, but in California, where the majority of those productions are made, a baby has to be at least 15 days old in order to get a work permit. Of course, most full-term babies have lost that "newborn" look after two weeks "“ their eyes are wide open, they've gained some weight, and their heads have begun to round out. So casting directors seek out "professional preemies" "“ babies born before their scheduled due date (twins preferred, in order to skirt around that 20-minutes-max camera time rule) but who are healthy enough to be brought to the studio. The law counts the actual date of birth, not the expected date, so, for example, a baby born after only seven months' gestation is still going to look tiny and fragile and appropriately "newborn" at the age of fifteen days. The law forbids smearing makeup on newborns, so cream cheese and jam are used to give them that authentic "fresh out of the uterus" look.

Så den älsklingen? Kan vara verkligt! Bara äldre än två veckor gamla och täckt av frukostkonserver.

svaret ges 24.06.2015 03:05

En reporter från förmyndaren undersökte detta .

Du kan inte använda nyfödda eftersom skådespelare måste vara medlem i SAG, och du kan bara bli medlem om du är 15 dagar gammal.

“Our initial intention with Knocked Up was to film a live birth, but we found out we couldn’t because the baby, by virtue of not being born yet, couldn’t be a member of SAG. So we created a fake lower body of a woman with a head that came out to simulate crowning. There are a lot of regulations.”

Spädbarn kan också bara användas under en kort tid:

Per usual, my questions are more macabre than their answers. Infant actors are well-protected; they can only work four hours per day; they can only shoot for 20 minutes of those hours.

“So you have four infants, approximately the same age, same hair color, look enough alike that they can double each other,” said Chris Riddle, an assistant director for film and television. “You use one baby for the first 20 minutes, a second baby for the next 20, etc. And if you’re doing a shot where the baby isn’t the focal point, or maybe it’s just in a crib in the background, you use a doll.”

Vilket resulterar i detta:

Jane Rogers explained to me that the reason casting agents go after twins or triplets isn’t just to get lookalikes for the same character (thus making the most of each newborn’s mandated 20 work minutes), but also because multiples are typically born premature. Soliciting premature babies, in other words, is a way to cast for age zero while sticking to SAG’s 15-day-old age requirement.

Pengarna som dessa barn tjänar går inte nödvändigtvis till föräldrarna:

“In California, with all under-18 actors you have to set up a Coogin Trust [a blocked trust account]. Any money that my daughter makes goes into that, and she gets it when she’s 18.”

Goo som "nyfödda" omfattas av varierar från set till set:

“I want to know about the cheeselike varnish,” I said.

“High fructose corn syrup,” he said. “The same sort of stuff we would use for blood if someone got shot.”

I relayed the question to my other sources and found that the substance varies set-to-set.

Jane Rogers, who does background casting for shows like Man Seeking Woman and often works with children, took time to emphasize the integrity of her goo. The goo is edible and gluten free – it is very LA. “We make sure that the goop they’re covered in is organic, water soluble, non-toxic, la-la-la.”

“We put grape jelly and cream cheese on children for birthing scenes,” Knocked Up’s producer Evan Goldberg said. “It’s weird.”

Längre, långt mer över på länken.

svaret ges 21.05.2016 20:38

Du har rätt, de använder falska i de flesta fall på grund av lagbegränsning. Men några gånger tog de scenramen från gammal film eller videoklipp från nätet, gör ändringar enligt deras krav.

Även ibland för få pengar ger föräldrar kameran mannen skjuter upp scenen och folk använder masker för den ramen. Eftersom det inte fanns ljudeffekter för den ramen kan den användas direkt.

svaret ges 21.05.2016 22:53