Jag tycker att det händer med det bästa av oss. Jag är inte den bästa av oss, så jag får gå lite mer ofta. Det specifika exemplet jag ska nämna var att använda Dresden-filer (ett derivat av FATE för dem som inte vet) men jag tror att det kan hända med någon.
So it's the second session of our new Dresden Files game. It's me (The
GM who's DMed a few scenarios before and played a bunch with a
different group, but everyone in that group knew the game) and four
players, two of whom have read the books, one that's watched the show.
None of them have played this before.
Middle of combat. I remind one player that he can't tag the same aspect twice in a roll, but then combat seems to be going well. The bad guys dogpile one of the players, and everyone pushes all out to stop them before they can really wreck him. Just as they drive them off, the heavily foreshadowed cavalry arrives- for the bad guys. The wizard throws up a shield, and they all run. As they're running, he decides to cast a spell to boost his senses. Several turns later, he asks if the party is being followed, and I say he can't see them. He reminds me of his super senses spell, which I had forgotten, and I say nobody is in sight. Play continues, and he continues to make good use of the supersenses spell. We have a good old time.
It's not until a few days later, looking up a completely seperate rule, I notice that it specifically says that spells end the round after they're cast unless extra power is put into them. Probably because the ability to stack spells on yourself forever would be hugely broken.
Han kommer att vilja göra det igen nästa session. Saken är, sinnena är inte riktigt så illa - det var coolt, och som sagt vi alla hade en bra tid. Men jag känner den här killen, och jag vet att han har en knack (såväl som pervers njutning av) bryta spel. Om han försöker det med pansar eller sköldspell, eller stat ökar till något annat som Alertness, kan detta gå sämre. Hur fixar du ett misstag som du släpper i nästan en vecka innan du märker det?