Vacationeer Travels på BBB inkluderar Företag startat: 08/17/2011 i UT och Inga klagomål inlämnad med BBB
.Dean Gibbons på LinkedIn.
Sju 5 * och en 4 * (inga andra) recensioner på yelp .
Trip Advisor innehåller:
We have used park savers twice now, once in 2014 and again in 2015 we had no problems either time. I would not hesitate to use them again on our next trip which unfortunately wont be until 2017 as we will be taking 2016 off this year.
ParkSavers is an affiliate of Ares, in fact when you click to purchase it will state that ticketing will be handled by Ares. You can find hundreds of posts online from happy customers including longtime TA members and Disboard veterans... what none of the naysayers has done is to find just one post from someone who was "scammed".
Their facebook page has been up for over 5 years and has 27,000 likes. Come on now, give them a break already. Honest businesses like this don't need negative feedback from people who haven't even used them.
Dåliga nyheter reser sig längre och snabbare än bra och när jag kom över ovanstående noterade jag inga negativa kommentarer.