In Babylon 5, hur slutade en del Kosh i John Sheridan?


Till sist avslöjs det att en bit av Kosh överlevde sin död inuti kapten Sheridan. Kosh sparade (temporärt) kaptenen i Z'ha'Dum. Således bekämpade Kosh sin ambassadörsbyte när Vorlons uppenbarades för att vara mindre än änglalik. Det är även möjligt att Kosh även talade till kaptenen i en dröm när kapten Sheridan kidnappades av en utlänning (han sa "jag har alltid varit här").

Så när / hur gick Kosh in i Sheridan?

uppsättning ltcomdata 03.12.2018 03:36

1 svar


Det hände när Kosh dödades av skuggorna i B5: intervaller och undersökningar . Kosh verkade för John i en dröm som sin far.


OchmetodenbekräftadesuttryckligeniB5-novellen Inbjuda mörkret

Within the anarchy, Kosh found a sliver of hope. Perhaps there was still a way that he could help Sheridan when confronting the enemy on Z’ha’dum. He had never heard of such a thing being done at this distance, nor with one untrained. Yet he had also never heard of a Vorlon being ripped to pieces. In the manner of his death, there might be hope.

He located a piece of himself that still retained some coherence. It had been partially cut away, would soon be lost. Kosh prepared, extending a threadlike tentacle from his core. The enemy’s brilliant ropes sheared the section away. As it ripped from him, he extended the tentacle, seized the fragment, and drew it quickly inside his core.

From there, he forced the fragment out through his connection to Sheridan. The tentacle drove his fragment deep into the Human’s mind, then quickly withdrew. In the chaos, he hoped the enemy would not notice. Sheridan’s energy would have to sustain the fragment, if it could.


Kosh flew apart.

Sheridan jerked awake. “Kosh!”

The turmoil of his essence faded, faded.

And then he was in darkness, murmurs surrounding him. They were Sheridan’s thoughts, he realized, and within their flow, he could barely sense himself as a distinct entity. He was weak, disordered. He concentrated on the calming harmonic he had sent to his ship. It brought him, bit by bit, back into coherence. This single fragment, this small piece of himself, was all that remained.

svaret ges 03.12.2018 08:43