Okej, det här passerar verkligen gränserna för Marvel på grund av att Colossus i Deadpool alltid är i metallform, men i Deadpool Colossus verkar det ha luckor i honom. Jag trodde aldrig att han kunde ha blivit dented permanent som Colossus verkar ha i Deadpool.
Drak i sin vänstra arm,
Jagvetiseriernaatthanharböjtsigochbrutenav"World Breaker Hulk",
Men det är inte så mycket om dents kommer att stanna hos honom. I motsats till serierna och andra Marvel-filmer blir Colossus inte till människans form i Deadpool, så jag kan bara föreställa mig att han har en skada av något slag för att hålla det dunet ???
In his armored form Colossus is highly resistant to most forms of bodily harm. His armor is capable of withstanding ballistic penetration, including that of a 110 millimeter Howitzer shell.
He could survive a collision with a loaded, one-ton flatbed truck at 100 miles per hour or an explosion of 450 pounds of TNT.
He can survive extremes of temperature from 70 degrees above absolute zero (-390 degrees Fahrenheit) to approximately 9000 Fahrenheit. (the freezing and melting points of metallic Osmium)
However, it is theorized that above the latter temperature, his armored form would begin to melt. Colossus's armored form cannot rust under normal Earth conditions.
Colossus has been injured by acid sufficiently that even when he returned to his Human form he remained deathly injured and required advanced medical care from the Shi'ar.
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