Book om Gargoyles and Ethics


Det var ungefär 20 år sedan.

Berättelsen gällde en rogue som hade blivit förbannad med en gargoylesarm (obsidian glasutseende). Syftet var att för att undanröja förbannelsen var han tvungen att bete sig etiskt ... som definieras av gargoylesna som hade en känsla av etik som inte var i linje med människor. Området som påverkades av gargoyle-omvandlingen växte när han uppträdde "fel" och krympte om det var "rätt".

I slutet gjorde killen någonting klassiskt heroisk och straffades för det.

Jag har alltid undrat om det var en del av en längre bok.

uppsättning Ben 01.02.2016 14:41

2 svar


Med Mithrandirs kommentar ser det ut som att gargoylen heter Spar och rogue heter Gorlen, och det är i mars 2009 av The Magazine of Fantasy och Science Fiction. Här är ett utdrag ur en översyn av ett senare problem som hänvisar till historien :

“Quickstone” appeared as a novelette in the March 2009 F&SF. The backstory of the maiden Gorlen deflowered (Plenth is her name) is told, which angered the priest of Nardath to curse both he and Spar. Plenth has not been mentioned in previous stories until now, and only now as a story within this current story. Otherwise, there are no females here. First appearance of Spar, the gargoyle who was cursed to trade his stone hand for Gorlen’s flesh and blood hand.

Uppenbarligen samlades berättelserna under rubriken Tales of Gorlen Vizenfirthe

The first Gorlen story was a novel, long since lost to time (written in the author’s teens and shredded in his twenties). In that novel of origins, the young bard Gorlen Vizenfirthe was given the typical task of saving the world. To keep him on track, one of his fingers was cut off and replaced with the stone finger of a gargoyle. As long as Gorlen kept on his quest, the stone was limited to his finger; but if he strayed, or tried to avoid his duty, the stone took over more of his flesh. By the time he had finished saving the world, the single gargoyle finger had become an entire hand. Assuming the corresponding gargoyle had seen similar transformations in its flesh finger, Gorlen sought this nameless goyle in hopes of arranging an exchange. The gargoyle’s name turned out to be Spar, but Spar had no ability to undo the magic of the priest who had done the deed in the first place. Together, they now seek this itinerant mage, hoping for restoration to their original forms.

svaret ges 01.02.2016 14:50

Det här låter som Quickstone , av Marc Laidlaw, i mars 2009 av The Magazine of Fantasy och Science Fiction. (lock längst ner) Du kan köpa en kopia här .

Gorlen har sin arm omkopplad med en gargoyle med namnet Spar. I slutet försvinner goblinerna av deras gud, förutom Spar och Gorlen.

Beskrivningen i tidningen:

When the bard Gorlen returned to F&SF in our August 2008 issue, we promised you'd be seeing more of him soon. Promise delivered (and there's more yet to come!). If you haven't read any of the previous stories in this series, dive right in - you should have no trouble following this story of the bard with the gargoyle hand.

En scen med båda de byta extremiteterna:

"I owe then nothing," Gorlen said, "Except this."
He held up his right hand.
Spar sat for a moment regarding the black digits with something like adoration and pity. He reached out first with the white flesh hand, then drew that back and put out his stony left hand to touch its prodigal partner.

I slutet, när de andra gargoylesna förstörs:

The blazing blood of the God engulfed the platform like a sea wave smashing on a rocky shore, washing away the other goyles.

svaret ges 01.02.2016 14:51