Bildar Katniss korrekt hantering av en båge?


I Hunger Games-filmerna använder Katniss en båge som sin primära vapen. Överväger inte Katniss hur man använder, håller och hanterar en båge? Hade Jennifer Lawrence lära sig hur man hanterar en båge för den här delen, eller sa de helt enkelt bara, "Håll här den här fina bågen och låtsas använda den"?

uppsättning Himarm 24.11.2015 15:32

4 svar


Jennifer Lawrence utbildades av olympisk bågskytt Khatuna Lorig.

Från den här artikeln :

To prepare for her role as "Hunger Games" heroine Katniss Everdeen, Lawrence trained with professional archer and Olympian Khatuna Lorig to learn how to properly shoot with a bow and arrow.

"She was lovely," Lorig told the Associated Press. "We had a great time coaching and working together."

Given her connection to the film, Lorig was one of six Olympians featured in a recent Glamour spread. The Olympic archer, together with a few of her fellow female archers, will also grace the cover of an upcoming special-edition "Hunger Games" DVD.

Katniss bågskytteföreställning är mestadels äkta, men hon borde hålla sin båge annorlunda och hon kan vara orealistiskt snabb.

En detaljerad sammanfattning av hennes färdigheter finns i den här artikeln från en professionell bågskyttewebbplats. De går igenom olika aspekter av Lawrence's shooting och ger dom en dom "Real or Not Real" (en Mockingjay i-skämt):

We know Jennifer Lawrence’s original archery coach was Khatuna Lorig, a five-time Olympian and Olympic medalist who clearly taught her how to shoot well. However, we also know Hollywood takes liberties with shooting form. So, are Katniss’ archery techniques real? Do they line up with the steps of shooting that USA Archery teaches? Let’s take a look.


The “Catching Fire” archery simulator scene shows Katniss’ feet slightly angled toward the target, with her front foot slightly behind her rear foot, giving her an open stance. Verdict? Real.


Katniss nocks her arrows – meaning that she fastens them safely onto the bowstring – superfast. We’re not sure if she double-checks to ensure whether the arrow is correctly aligned, or if the arrow is snapped onto the bowstring (nocked) in the correct place. Verdict: Undecided.

Hook and Grip

Katniss has her knuckles curled around the bowstring, which is not correct; the back of her hand should be flat and relaxed, and the bowstring placed closer to the first joint of her index, middle and ring fingers. Her grip – the hand that holds the bow – also shows a finger on the arrow, which isn’t safe. We’d change this part of her archery techniques. Verdict: Not real.

Posture (Set)

Jennifer Lawrence has beautiful red-carpet posture, and it shows when she’s in character, too. Her Katniss has a flat back, low shoulders and she usually appears to be in good alignment. Verdict: Real.

Raise Bow (Setup)

In archery, setup is the act of raising the bow. Katniss raises that bow fast, but then delivers a knockout punch. We’d tell her to slow down, but otherwise, Katniss’ setup is a good start. Verdict: Real.


We’d love to see Katniss raise the bow and draw the bowstring back more slowly, with a smoother motion. That would help her to keep her upper body in better alignment, and give her a stronger shot. Verdict: Real … but needs work.


With a longbow (the bow type Katniss shoots), archers usually pull the bowstring back to at or above the corner of the mouth. This is called the “anchor point.” Katniss uses the under-the-chin anchor point commonly used by Olympic recurve archers, and we often see her drawing the bowstring past her anchor point, which is a no-no. Verdict: Not real.


Once she’s reached her anchor point, we see Katniss pulling her elbow just a little farther back, transferring the bow’s weight into her back muscles before she shoots. Verdict: Real.


We can’t be certain when Katniss starts aiming, but top archers do not aim until they have fully drawn, anchored, and transferred the bow’s weight into their backs. Once they’re fully aligned, they aim for two to three seconds. Verdict: Real…we think.

Release and Follow Through

Coach Khatuna Lorig said she worked on this with Lawrence, and it shows. Katniss keeps her draw hand near her face and neck as she releases the bowstring, and follows through with strong back muscles. Verdict: Real.

Overall? Lawrence’s Katniss is the real archery deal. We would encourage her to slow down when possible because resting between shots is essential for strength and good shooting. But who are we to argue with a woman who shoots explosive arrows into the sky?

Och från denna intervju med Van Webster, Pasadena Roving Archers instruktör:

As a coach, in what ways would you improve her technique?

It’s hard to tell from the short clips, but the bottom line is there is too much movement.

Would anyone realistically be able to shoot as accurately as she does with that much movement?

There are people that can shoot that well, but not with the kind of movement portrayed in the film. All of that is computer-generated. We had the same problem in Avatar. The director wanted to use a shooting technique that was not one that would work in an environment where you were trying to produce accuracy. But it looked good visually.

svaret ges 24.11.2015 15:51


Ja, Jennifer Lawrence var uppenbarligen utbildad av olympiska nivåbågar. Så jag är säker på att hon hade mycket bra teknik, baserat på faktiska bågskyttar.

Men hela hennes träning var exakt olympisk stil bågskytte, aka målbågskytte.
Katniss skulle inte skjuta på ett stationärt mål, inte heller skulle hon stå väldigt stilla under mycket lång tid (jag medger att jag gissar, eftersom jag inte har sett mycket av filmerna).

Som Lars Anderson påpekas det här fascinerande videoklippet , så kallad" krigsbågskytte "är ganska annorlunda - och ser mest annorlunda ut än vad Katniss - och de flesta andra Hollywood-bågskyttar - brukar göra.

(Se även några verifiering av hans påståenden här ).

Kanske var det enda hon fick riktigt rätt att hålla ögonen öppna, istället för att skrapa med ett öga, vilket ofta görs i målbågskytte.

svaret ges 24.11.2015 22:11

Jennifer Lawrence utbildades av en olympisk idrottare.

The Daily Beast förklarar

Khatuna Lorig has a cornucopia of accomplishments to be proud of: she’s mastered the sport of archery, competed in five Olympic Games, and won a silver and a bronze medal. But despite all of this, the achievement most likely to garner squeals of delight from strangers is the fact that she is responsible for teaching Jennifer Lawrence how to shoot a bow and arrow in The Hunger Games.

Lorig, an archer from Georgia (the country) who competed for three different countries at four different Olympic Games, was making the transition from medal winner to archery coach when she was asked to teach the then-21-year-old rising starlet the sport she’s spent her whole life perfecting.

svaret ges 24.11.2015 15:52

Lars Anderson är en fantastisk bågskytte, men tanken att bågskyttarna någonsin haft wildwest-stil nära raserar snabbt eldskott är nonsens. Mongoliska och turkiska bågskyttar bär alla svärd och andra vapen för nära strid. Dessutom var deras bågar av militär dragvikt, från 70 till 110 kg, så tills Lars kan replikera sina prestationer med bågar så kraftfullt är han bara en fantastisk stuntbågskytt.

En annan missuppfattning om militärbågskytte är att målet var särskilt viktigt. Tanken med militärbågskytte var att lägga en kontinuerlig spärr av pilar i en kropp av män; Målet var begränsat till avstånd och allmän riktning. Vid den tidpunkt som sträckningen nått hade en klok båtskytte blivit upptagen med sitt svärd, ax eller klubb. I ett militärt scenario var möjligheten att dra en stark båge snabbt mycket viktigare än att slå bullseyes.

Katniss stil borde ha baserats på Howard Hills eller moderna primitiva (jag vet) bågskytt, Ryan Gill.

svaret ges 25.10.2018 09:39