Det här är antagligen John Varleys "Just Another Perfect Day", som kan läsas här .
Som du kommer ihåg, berättas det i form av en serie bokstäver för huvudpersonen när du vaknar, för att förklara deras tillstånd.
And now, back to your questions.
Top of the list: What happened?
Briefly (and it must be brief—more on that later):
In 1989 you had an accident. It involved a motorcycle which you don’t remember owning because you didn’t buy it until 1988, and a city bus. You had a difference of opinion concerning the right of way, and the bus won.
Feel your scalp with your fingertips. Don’t be queasy; it healed long ago—as much as it’s going to. Under those great knots of scar tissue are the useless results of the labors of the best neurosurgeons in the country. In the end, they just had to scoop out a lot of grey matter and close you back up, shaking their heads sagely and opining that you would probably feel right at home under glass on a salad bar.
But you fooled them. You woke up, and there was much rejoicing, even though you couldn’t remember anything after the summer of ’86. You were conscious a few hours, long enough for the doctors to determine that your intelligence didn’t seem to be impaired. You could talk, read, speak, see, hear. Then you went back to sleep.
The next day you woke up, and couldn’t remember anything after the summer of ’86. No one was too worried. They told you again what had happened. You were awake most of the day, and again you fell asleep.
och utlänningar:
On to the second picture.
Looks almost human, doesn’t he? If the offspring of Gumby and E.T. could be considered human. He is humanoid: two eyes, nose, mouth, two arms and two legs, and that goofy grin. The green skin you’ll get used to quickly enough.
What he is, is a Martian.
See, fifteen years ago the Martians landed and took over the planet Earth. We still don’t know what they plan to do with it, but some of the theories are not good news for Homo sapiens.
Don’t Worry.
Take a few deep breaths. I’ll wait.
Det är också föremål för den här frågan . Frågan i sig innebär inte amnesi på något sätt, men eftersom svaren är desamma, om båda är bekräftade, kommer det att räknas som en dupe (men den andra har aldrig officiellt bekräftats).