Harry Potter fanfic: Draco kidnappar Ginny och gör sin handling som sin fru att lura Voldemort


Jag letar efter en särskild Harry Potter fanfic jag läste för några år sedan. Det handlar om Ginny Weasley och Draco Malfoy som huvudparing. Jag kommer inte ihåg mycket om det sedan det varit år. Det jag minns är att Ginny blir bortförd av Draco för att få henne att ta hand om sin bebis. Det finns också en del där Draco gör att Ginny dricker en dryck som ändrar hennes höfter så det ser ut som om hon var den som födde sitt barn. De gör det för att lura Voldemort för att tro att hon är Dracos fru och hans barns mor. Hjälp mig att hitta den här fanfic tack!

uppsättning user70056 11.08.2016 05:47

1 svar


Den heter Djävulen du känner av CCC på Dracoandginny.com .

A loud pop frightened her out of her thoughts. She turned around and saw a dark robed figure. He just stared at her as she clutched the baby to her chest. “Please, let me go. I’ll take him with me. I’ll take good care of him.”

The man reached up and slowly removed his mask. Ginny expected to see the cruel smirk she remembered from years ago. The cold, emotionless face she saw was much more frightening. His eyes were empty of all emotion, and he seemed to radiate cold composure.

When he stepped towards her, she pulled the baby out of his reach. Annoyance flickered across his features, before his face settled back into an icy mask.

His words were sharp. “If I wanted to harm him, I could have left him to die. Give him to me.”

Ginny realized his words were true. She held the baby out to him, and watched as he awkwardly held the baby with one arm. He turned and walked away from her, speaking quietly to the child.

She watched the wand in his right hand, wondering if she should try and make a grab for it.

Inching forward, she was startled when he said, “How old do you think he is?”

“You don’t know?” she asked. He didn’t bother to answer her, so she gave her best guess. “I think he’s about three months old.” A thought occurred to her, and she asked, “Where is his mother?”

“I don’t know. The child was brought to me by a house elf who’d been silenced.”

A shiver ran down Ginny’s spine as she wondered what that meant. She figured she was better off not knowing. “I suppose you recognized him as a Malfoy right away.”

Draco snorted. “Yes. For generations, Malfoys have used magic to make sure that our recessive traits win out.”

svaret ges 25.02.2017 06:14