The spell polymorph turns a creature (temporarily) into any animal you can think of. Turn the big bad evil guy into a chicken or turn your ally into a t-rex and watch them rampage through the enemy ranks. Läs mer

For a 12-year-old child, the average IQ score is between 77 and 135, with an overall average score of 112. Now, there are numerous factors to consider when it comes to determining a child's intelligence, not to mention various testing methods. Läs mer

Every 33 years
Every 33 years, or so, viewers on Earth may experience a Leonid storm that can peak with hundreds to thousands of meteors seen per hour depending on the location of the observer. Läs mer

Only three films have won all five of these major awards: It Happened One Night (1934), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), and The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Läs mer

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