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What is Hermione's favorite class?

Class information

Arithmancy was Hermione Granger's favourite subject at Hogwarts. She once told Harry Potter it was "wonderful" when he remarked that her challenging homework looked "terrible." However, one of her roommates said that, in her opinion, it was difficult, and by far preferred Care of Magical Creatures.

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Vad är Hermione's patronus?

Den sista Harry Potter-boken publicerades i augusti. Den unge trollkarlen använde sin patronus i form av ett rådjur. Hans väns patronus ser annorlunda ut.

Därefter, what is the scariest harry potter movie?

1 Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1

Deathly Hallows Part 1 gets a lot of flack for being too slow, but that's exactly what makes it so scary. Thanks to the film's gradual, tense buildup, viewers can feel the trio's growing frustration as they hunt for Horcruxes — as well as their horror when things go wrong.
Med detta i åtanke, can a 4 year old watch harry potter? The only issue with the Harry Potter series is that the first couple of films are fine for younger kids, but as you progress in the series things get a little more serious. By the time you reach the last 2 or 3 the scare factor has gone up significantly and they are not suitable for young kids.

Med hänsyn till detta, what f and p level is harry potter?

Book TitleGrade Reading Level
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone5-6
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets5-6
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban5-6
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire5-6
How did Harry become a Horcrux? Harry Potter became a Horcrux when the love from his mother protected him from Lord Voldemort's curse. Instead of killing Harry the curse backfired and destroyed Voldemort's body and all his power. In the course of this battle, Voldemort accidentally gave part of his powers to baby Harry as well as a piece of his soul.


Vad har Hermione för djur?

Det finns ett antal ringmaskar.

Dessutom, what is the harry potter spell for light?

“Lumos” is a magical spell from Harry Potter films and books. Once said, the tip of the wand of the person who is casting the spell would light up. In other words, it serves as a flashlight, enabling the magician to see in the dark. Följaktligen, what does avada kedavra mean in harry potter?
I will destroy as I speak
Avada Kedavra is an Aramaic phrase that means "I will destroy as I speak." Whether the words were chosen to be similar to the Muggle mock incantation "abra cadabra" is uncertain, but seems likely.

Med detta i åtanke, when did harry fall in love ginny?

At age eleven Harry saw Ginny for the first time at King's Cross Station in 1991. However, they did not formally meet until the summer of 1992, at which point it became blatantly clear that Ginny had a huge crush on Harry. Med detta i åtanke, how many kids did harry and ginny have?

three kids
Harry and Ginny went on to have three kids — James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna — while Ron and Hermione popped out two of their own — Rose and Hugo.

Med detta i åtanke, did ron and hermione get divorced?

Ron and Hermione aren't divorced.

In fact they are happily married and madly in love. The two alternate timelines also show, despite they aren't a couple, that they nonetheless have romantic feelings for each other.

By Casar Schnorr

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